Civil engineering is a broad field that encompasses various branches. As a Civil engineering student, it is important to identify your area of interest early in your studies. This allows you to focus on enhancing your skills in that specific field, ultimately striving for self-improvement. Exploring different branches or aspects of civil engineering will also help you gain a broader perspective and a well-rounded knowledge base. Don’t be afraid to try new things and step out of your comfort zone to discover what truly excites you in this diverse and dynamic field. Remember, the key to success lies in passion and dedication towards your chosen path. Today we are going to give a brief overview of what these branches entail.
Structural engineering is a specialized field of civil engineering, having its primary focus being the design, analysis and construction of structures to be able to endure several loads and harsh conditions from the environment. This discipline aids engineers in designing and conducting structural analysis to determine the loads the structure experiences, prevent potential stress-induced failures, and suggest suitable construction materials. There are several building methods and types that are explored and design by structural engineers. Some of these building methods are reinforced concrete design, steel design, timber design, etc. The building types can also be categorized into commercial, industrial, residential, etc. Ultimately, there are two major sub-field embedded in structural engineering. These are; Earthquake and wind engineering.

Earthquake engineering
This is a branch in engineering that deals with the analysis and design of buildings in order to resist the impact of seismic loads (earthquake). Structures don’t necessarily have to be rigid to withstand impact of seismic loads, they have to be properly designed. Earthquake engineers tend to incorporate certain factors in their design to be seismic resistant. Some of these factors include shear walls, moment-resisting frames (MRF), plastic hinges, damping system etc.
Wind engineering
Wind engineering is centered around ensuring that structures can withstand the impact of wind forces. Similar to seismic loads, wind loads are considered lateral loads. As buildings increase in height, the intensity of wind on the structure also increases. Structures above 400 meters face challenges similar to those encountered by airplanes in the sky, including higher wind speeds and turbulence. Various systems have been developed to address these challenges, including aerodynamic design, damping systems, flexible joints, and wind-resistant cladding.
Geotechnical engineering is focused on the study of the soil, rock and any other materials found underneath the surface of the earth. This involves the investigation and analysis of the soil, rock and groundwater to assess their stability for construction projects. This practically deals with the design of foundations, earthworks, support structures ensuring stability for roads, buildings, bridges and other structures. In geotechnical engineering, there are different sub-categories, some of these are;
Mining engineering
This discipline of engineering deals with the planning, design and operation of mines to extract minerals from the earth. Data from geotechnical investigations aids in the design and monitoring of open pit and underground mines. Determination of the feasibility of mining projects, developing methods in mining and equipment and overseeing of extraction processes are made possible due to evaluation of the geotechnical investigations made.

Foundation engineering
A foundation is the sub structure of a building, responsible for bearing the entire load of the structure and distributing it into the ground. Foundation engineering is the specialization that deals with the design of these structural support systems that carry the load of buildings, bridges and other structures. Depending on the soil conditions from the geotechnical data, the most suitable foundation for that particular soil under examination is designed. There are various types of foundations which include shallow, deep and combined foundations. A foundation engineer ensures that structures remain stable, taking into consideration factors like soil bearing capacity, settlement etc.
Movement of people and goods from one point to another has really been made easy due to the bright ideas of engineering. Transport engineers are mainly responsible with the planning, design, construction operations and maintenance of transportation systems. These systems include roadways, railways, airways, waterways etc. Transportation engineers have a wide range of responsibilities which include traffic analysis, roadway design, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) planning etc.
Traffic engineering
Traffic engineering has both research and practical applications. Research is conducted to understand traffic patterns, behavior and safety issues. After the research has been conducted, the findings from the research are applied practically in optimizing traffic signal timings, designing safer roads and implementing traffic management strategies to mitigate congestion.

Highway engineering
Unlike traffic engineering where concentration is made on the study and optimization of the movement of vehicles and pedestrians on those roads, highway engineering is more into of the physical infrastructure such as pavement design and geometric layout.
Railway systems engineering
Railway systems engineering plays a crucial role in the planning and development of modern railway systems to meet the growing demand for efficient and sustainable transportation solutions.

This involves the study, design and management of equipment crucial for managing and preserving water. With only 3% of the earth’s water being fresh, water resource engineers ensure its safe supply and quality for various uses. They plan and manage water supplies, treat water and develop strategies to mitigate water-related hazards like floods.

This section is in two folds, construction management and construction engineering. Construction management deals with the administrative aspects of projects which may include budgeting, scheduling whereas construction engineering deals with the technical aspect of the construction, material selection and supervision of ongoing projects. Carrying out the role of a construction manager requires a strong set of both workplace and technical skills.
This is a branch of engineering that focuses on protecting the environment and improving the quality of the environment. It involves the design, development and implementation of solutions to improve public health by improving recycling and waste disposal as well as managing water and air pollution control. Environmental engineers work to keep tabs on the individuals in order to minimize the negative impact of their action on the environment.

In conclusion, civil engineering entails a diverse range of branches, each with its unique focus and application which plays a crucial role in shaping the world we live in through innovation, problem-solving and technological advancement. As an upcoming Civil engineer, you must explore these branches of civil engineering to give you a head start in your chosen career and field.